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Unlocking emotions in the business world

Pilar Cabral Majerović,
business coach

My Story

I am a citizen of ‘the world’. German and Portuguese by birth, French by heart and Croatian by adoption! Born in Germany of mixed parents, I spent my formative years in Italy, US, UK, France and Japan before settling in Zagreb. I speak 5 languages, and have worked in many cultures and societies, giving me a very open perspective and ability to relate to all kinds of people.

This adventurous spirit also took me to a conference in Opatija, Croatia where I met my to-be husband, Milan. Fast forward 20 years, we are living in Zagreb with our beautiful 3 children.

What I do



I see coaching as a creative partnership with my clients aimed to design and implement specific, meaningful changes in either their professional or personal life.


I offer training on various topics, mainly related to skills in the field of leadership, sales, customer relationship management, coaching and communication.


I work with teams and groups in ways where leading per se is not required. I serve as a facilitator to their communication and exchange. The aim is to work on a common purpose through an experiential learning system.



I love asking questions and going beyond obvious. Discovering and challenging my clients – question by question; answer by answer.This uncovers deeper motivations and is needed to take us towards the area of true growth.


Thanks to an unusual childhood, living and later working around the globe, I have ties to many people and places. Change country? No problem. Learn a new language? Why not. Embark on a journey of coaching? Let’s go. What’s the worst that can happen? And the best? Oh, I believe in the best.


I believe in total honesty, trust in relationships and being real. As a coach, a friend, with my family. This is who I am – no masks, no surprises, no pretense. So, feel free to discard yours, and let your true self and aspirations shape your future.

Erickson coaching 

Coaching in a nutshell

My practice is based on Erickson Coaching, “the art and science of coaching, aiming at changing the world one conversation at a time.”

As a coach, by definition, I do not give advice. My role is to be a supportive listener to help my clients determine a direction through purposeful questioning and providing accountability to that direction.

Why is it important?

Emotional intelligence in Leadership


Improve decision making


Increase focus


Boost well-being


Resolve conflict


Reinforce mentoring skills

Encourage team work

Reduce turnover

Increase productivity

Cherish creativity

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LinkedIn Feed

"Her hands-on approach and genuine interests got the buy-in of everyone in the team. Additionally, Pilar is knowledgeable of the business nuances, due to her personal working experience, so she applied mentoring or coaching techniques according to the topic or the person. This helped us as a team, but also individually by clearly identifying and addressing what were assets and constraints. After a few months, the results are undeniable."

Jessica Trejo

Managing Director
Hansgrohe d.o.o.

"I met Pilar at the Croatian Coaching Association and she immediately attracted my attention with her views and knowledge from her Erickson® Coaching International license that she gladly shared with all of us. Personally, I had a chance to be in a role of a client as well and I could feel her special energy and dedication as well as deep empathy. Having spent a couple of months together in the certification for Business Coaching Diploma program, we worked through many coaching sessions, and my admiration for Pilar grew through our collaboration. Pilar has high ethical standards and she is a dedicated, well organised and encouraging coach that I would recommend to anyone. "

Breda Ivanović

Human Capital Leader

"We had the pleasure of welcoming Pilar to SSBM's faculty. Pilar has been a great contribution to the overall SSBM experience as she held several Coaching/Leadership courses where she received outstanding feedback from our MBA students. She also received numerous positive comments stating that we should include her in more courses due to the interactive and insightful delivery of the lectures."

Mario Silić

Swiss School of Business Management (SSBM)

"Pilar as a coach lives up to her name and is a pilar around which I can move and explore, knowing she's there to direct me and make sure I leave each session with a tangible result."

Katarina Lovrenčić

"I was struggling for years, being very unsatisfied with my work and Pilar made me realize that the solution to my problem lies in my hands. Giving me tools for the process, my thoughts and wishes became crystal clear. Her push to solve my situation encouraged me to make the first move that I was avoiding. It was like bungee jumping but with a lot of safety nets around me."

Katarina Radić

"I had the opportunity to work with Pilar from day one of joining “High Performance Team Coaching” with Marilyn Atkinson until she got her ICF accreditation. I witnessed huge personal and professional transformation. Pilar integrated most of the tools and skills on a very high and professional level and she kept her “beginners mindset” through the whole journey. In a few words I would describe her as committed, respectful and professional. She has my strong recommendation."

Pedja Jovanović


"Pilar is not only my colleague and a great friend, she is also an excellent coach. To me personally and professionally she is always an incredible source of motivation and she has the power to “kick my ass”, without even touching me. Pilar is one of the best listeners I have ever met, where she always works with integrity and non-selfishness. The best thing about working with her, is that she creates a safe environment for a person to be able to look for creative solutions, while she is challenging and allowing the individual to discover various options and actions, which fit him/her the best."

Simona Špilak

BOC Institute, Managing Director

"There is something about Pilar I can’t really explain. It’s intangible on one hand but on the other it can be felt really strong. Since I can’t explain, I am just going to say that working with her brought me results I couldn’t even imagine. I am holding my first published book in hands while weighing a significant amount of kilos less. Hm, maybe it’s tangible after all."

Nada Kaurin Knežević

Some of my clients

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