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My story

Who I am


Citizen of ‘the world’. German and Portuguese by birth, French by heart and Croatian by adoption! Born in Nienburg an der Weser (Germany) of mixed parents.

I spent my formative years in Italy, US, UK, France and Japan before settling in Zagreb. I speak 5 languages, and have worked in many cultures and societies, giving me a very open perspective and ability to relate to all kinds of people. 

This adventurous spirit also took me to a conference in Opatija, Croatia where I met my husband to-be, Milan. Fast forward 20 years, we are living in Zagreb with our beautiful 3 children.


I began my professional career in France, working as a journalist for a European broadcasting channel, Euronews. I was working at the forward planning desk, in charge of the coordination of various up-coming news related events – both planned (elections, festivals, press conferences …) and unplanned (breaking news, disasters, coups d’etats etc.). The coordination was internal with the multilingual teams of journalists and technicians, but also with institutions and partners, such as the European Parliament, EBU (European Broadcasting Union) and various European national TV partner channels. I loved the adrenaline, the diversity and unexpected surprises that went with this job. It definitely taught me agility, diplomacy, persuasion, and organization!

Once I arrived in Croatia, I had to completely reinvent myself. For the next 20 years, I was working as a senior manager for the biggest telecommunication company and later, leading hospitality company in Croatia – both of them run mostly by Croats but owned by Germans or Austrians. My focus was on sales and customer relationship management. Many issues to tackle there: from leading my own teams (at the time when I was also bringing up 3 small children), to navigating between different business mentalities and ideas of right choices for both the company and its employees.

Sometimes it was rewarding, most of the time it was demanding, sometimes overwhelming – but all of the time I was gaining precious experience. Working as a foreigner in a country catching up with Western-European business standards, I had to adapt to fast-developing and ever-changing businesses run by strong-willed (sometimes maybe not strong-willed enough?) decision-makers. It was a challenge I rose up to consistently all the time. It was also a proper introduction into my career today – coaching. Men or women, local or ex-pat, young lions or experienced CEOs, they were all important influences and provided me with deep insight into the complicated, multi-layered needs of a company that strives to be prosperous in the global world we live in now.

Rocky Journey

When I look back, I would say that I actually never chose what I wanted to be; life created various opportunities and I moved on instinct. But the journey wasn’t always smooth, and at one point, I hit a dead end. 

The problem was that company procedures and endless restructures were draining my energy and slowing me down. While I loved empowering my teams and seeing them grow, I felt I was not making a big enough impact. I was drained, losing focus, and began searching for a way out.


That’s when I found coaching – first as a way to help myself, then later, as a way to help others. My very first coaching session helped me to see that if I kept on the same road, I would only get what I already had – and this wasn’t enough for me. I wanted something different, to be independent, to contribute to the maximum of my ability and with my whole self. But this came at a price. Working with my coach, I discovered that if I wanted to shake things up and change my situation, I had to focus on myself first. The most important change needed to come from within.

As I experienced coaching and opened up to new ways of thinking, I realized this was the answer I was searching for. Things clicked into place – through my search, I had found what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be: a coach. I started my new career path, educating myself at one of the oldest coaching centers in the world: Erickson International. I wanted an international, reliable and ICF (International Coach Federation) recognized certification. My journey started in 2018 and has been going on ever since as an personal development commitment.


Thanks to coaching, I can now work with the corporate world but from the outside, from an independent position. I am no longer part of a system, but a part of many systems. This different perspective gives me greater scope to help in the best ways that I can. I take on the role of a third party ready to support and create space for whatever needs to happen in the company. Whether it is with an executive or with an entire team.
For my core values click here.

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+385 98 367 177‬